Graph coloring app

     This Graph coloring app does a special case of graph labeling where we color the nodes according to the constraint that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. Front-end of this app is done in Javascript, HTML5 canvas and back-end in Python.

Forming adjacency list

          The input for the graph coloring algorithm is an adjacency list. Adjacency list consist details about the vertices to which a vertex is connected to.

For example.

  The adjacency list for the above graph is,
          a: [b, c]
        b: [c, a]
        c: [a, b]

  In this app adjacency list is created in JS.
  The technique used was that when we connect vertex 'a' with vertex 'b', we make two changes in the adjacency list.
   We update vertex a's adjacent list by including b  and we update vertex b's adjacent list by including a.

Simple Graph coloring algorithm

    --The Graph coloring algorithm is implemented in Python.

    --The approach i used is simple.

   -- We create a list called check to indicate whether a node is colored or not. Say, there are six nodes.

    --Then check will contain 6 elements, all '0' initially( [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] ).When a node is colored corresponding element in check is changed to 1. Say if node 3 is colored then we change the 2nd element of list to 1 (since indexing starts from 0).

    --Then we loop over each nodes.

    --In each loop we take the node's adjacent vertices.

    --Then we check whether any of those vertices are colored (The checking is done using the 'check' list).

    --If colored then we will remove those colors from color_list and color the node by selecting one from remaining colors. 

Graph coloring algorithm in python

Here adj_list is the input and color_data is the output.

           not_colored = sorted(adj_list.items(), key=lambda k: len(k[1]), reverse=True)  
           check = len(not_colored) *[0]  
           color_data = {}  
           color_list = [ i for i in range(0, len(not_colored))]  
           for node in not_colored:  
                color_list_dup = []  
                for j in node[1]:  
                     if check[j-1]:  
                               color_list_dup[color_data[j]] = None  
                for color in color_list_dup:  
                     if color != None:  
                          color_data[int(node[0])] = color  
                check[int(node[0])-1] = 1  
           print color_data  

    The output of the example we used earlier  will look somewhat like the below one in our Graph coloring app.

Check out the source code of the app to see more details , click here.


MongoDB (said to be derived from humongous) is one of the important NoSQL databases used now. NoSQL can be read as no relations or sometimes Not only relations. Drawback is that NoSQL doesn't hold the ACID properties fully but in areas where humongous data needs to be handled(like facebook) then NoSQL is far more better than relational types. Mongodb follows document oriented storage. Mongodb handles the data as JSON documents (stored as BSON). It is flexible and it can store huge data at ease.

Enough said lets see MongoDB in action in our local machine.

sudo apt-get install mongodb

Now install pymongo (MongoDB api for python).

sudo easy_install pymongo

MongoDB with Flask

"Flask-PyMongo bridges Flask and PyMongo, so that you can use Flask’s normal mechanisms to configure and connect to MongoDB." (courtesy :

Install it via terminal by,

sudo easy_install Flask-PyMongo

Things are pretty easy than it sounds.

First initialize PyMongo on flask:

from flask.ext.pymongo import PyMongo
mongo = PyMongo(app)

Then initialize the connection for example:

from pymongo import Connection  
connection = Connection() 
db = connection.test_database
collection = db.test_collection

Above code use test_database which is a default one in MongoDB.

Accessing mongodb

posts = db.posts

will insert the JSON data 'post' into the database.

db.posts.find() and db.posts.find_one()   will do the work of SELECT.

find_one() only returns one exact result.

for example:

db.posts.find_one({"title": filename})

The above code will return the document whose title field matches the variable filename.
One thing to note is that pymongo provides default '_id' field, but it stores it as a ObjectId. So using strings '1' '2' etc wont work in find function as id searching variables.

MongoDB in Django

If you think flask was easy then Django is super-easy.
A lot of mongodb engines are available. Well i used the tutorial from the following site.

Install Django-nonrel, djangotoolbox and Django MongoDB Engine.

Then make the following changes in DATABASES in

   'default' : {
      'ENGINE' : 'django_mongodb_engine',
      'NAME' : 'test_database'

Thats it. MongoDB works perfectly fine as any other database.

Paint App in Django

      Previously done paint app's frame work is changed from Flask to Django. Django feels like an alien for those who dealt with flask only. Its entirely different. Django follows MVC (Model View Control) architecture. Mine is a single app. Unlike in Flask we can create more than one app in a Django project. For a beginner the django book would be a blessing. It helped me a lot.

click here for Django tutorial

      The main difference between Flask and Django is defining databases. In Django we got a choice. We can either write database as raw as we did in Flask or we can use the models. According to django book writing raw codes is a bad example. I will agree with that because using models makes everything much easier. I am not sure about my level of knowledge in Django, but i can assure that its not that hard.

       We specify urls in in main project folder. Its like doing everthing independently. Views in, defining template and static folders and database etc in etc. The files will be created automatically when we run the startproject command. All we have to do is fill it. People sometimes prefer Flask where flexibility is needed. Because sometimes Django's structure will give you some problems when defining your own functionality. Flexibility is less than Flask. If flexibility is not a factor for your app then Django is your thing. I am planning to do a Django app on some stock exchange data. When i finish that i will write a post on that one too.

Click here to see my Paint app code in Django

Unit testing in Python

Unit testing

Unit testing is an approach to test the source code as individual units and to determine whether they are working properly.Unit testing is mainly done by program developers to make sure that the code is fit to use.

There are several advantages for unit testing.

First of all we can quote the obvious reason that it helps to identify problems early.
Unit testing provides another advantage that it will allow us to modify the program easily. That means if we modify the program then we can run unit testing again on the remaining parts to check whether they work properly.
Unit testing makes Integration testing easier. Another advantage is that unit testing files will act as documentation. We can easily understand the functionality of the program by referring these files.

Unit testing in Python

In object oriented programming a testing unit may be a class or a method. Even though python ain't  full object oriented Unit testing follows the object oriented align.

From Python 2.1 we can find the module unittest for Unit testing.
Normally we write the testing code before we write our program code.

Here i am trying to shed some light on unit testing by using a small program.
The program is simple.It contains two functions named as sqIt (means square It) for finding the square and sqrtIt (meaning square root It) to find the square root of a given number.

Lets start by creating a unit test file for this program before we write any code in it.

First of all i provided some test data in using which the test file checks the conditions.

 class TestData(unittest.TestCase):  
      TestData=( (0,0),  
           (100,10000) )  

Then we create two methods to check the working of known input with known result.

      def testSqItTestData(self):  
           """sqIt give known result with known output"""  
           for integer,square in self.TestData:  
                self.assertEqual(square, result)  
      def testSqrtItTestData(self):  
           """sqrtIt give known result with known output"""  
           for integer,square in self.TestData:  
                self.assertEqual(integer, result)  

Then we focus on the bad inputs that can be given to the sqIt() and sqrtIt() functions (still not created).

Lets say string input is bad to these programs.So we have to focus on the fact that these methods take only int or float types.
Also assume that sqrtIt (square root method) takes no negative numbers(Just to simplify it from complex numbers).

 class SqItBadInput(unittest.TestCase):  
      def testSqItInput(self):  
           """sqIt fails for bad input"""  
           self.assertRaises(sqrteg.TypeError, sqrteg.sqrtIt, 'hello')  
 class SqrtItBadInput(unittest.TestCase):  
      def testSqrtItInput(self):  
           """sqrtIt fails for bad input"""  
           self.assertRaises(sqrteg.TypeError, sqrteg.sqrtIt, 'hello')  
      def testNegative(self):  
           self.assertRaises(sqrteg.OutOfRangeError, sqrteg.sqrtIt, -1)  

We pass a sample string 'hello' (of string type) as a bad input. Also for sqrtIt() we pass -1 (a negative number) as OutOfRangeError.

Last but not least we do the sanity check.The following code itself explains what it means.

 class SanityCheck(unittest.TestCase):   
      def testSanity(self):   
           """sqrtIt(sqIt(n))==n for all n"""  
           for integer in range(1, 10000):  
                self.assertEqual(integer, result)  

I took a fair range of numbers and applied both functions back to back to obtain the real one. We will check whether the result value is same as the original one.
So thats it. We finished our small test file for our simple program.

Now we start
First of all we create Classes for the items we did in test file.
(Here in my test file a TypeError and OutOfRangeError).

 class SqrtegError(Exception): pass   
 class TypeError(SqrtegError):pass  
 class OutOfRangeError(SqrtegError): pass  

Here SqrtegError isn't necessary. We can directly add Exception in both TypeError and OutOfRangeError classes. But this is the standard way we follow.

First we just define the two functions with python reserved word 'pass'.

 def sqIt(n):  
 def sqrtIt(n):  

When we run we can see six failures.
Then we gradually add the function and then provide checking conditions for bad input and eventually the failures will vanish one by one.

The final will look like

 class SqrtegError(Exception): pass   
 class TypeError(SqrtegError):pass  
 class OutOfRangeError(SqrtegError): pass  
 def sqIt(n):  
      if type(n)==int or type(n)==float:  
           return n**2            
           raise TypeError,"Invalid"  
 def sqrtIt(n):  
      if n<0:  
           raise OutOfRangeError,"No negatives please"  
      if type(n)==int or type(n)==float :  
           return n**.5  
           raise TypeError,"Invalid"  

Finally you can see this 'ok' if  it passes the test.

Lot of other options are available in unittest module in python.

To see the sample programs used above, Click here

Paint app with flask

The paint app i made using html 5 canvas and javascript has been modified with a save option and flask is given as the backend.
When each picture is drawn details are stored as a json object. Like while a circle is drawn each detail is stored as a json object and pushed to a list.This list of objects is send to the database(here postgresql) and it is shown in the gallery.
When we click in any name in gallery it will retrieve the picture info from that name in database and will redraw in the canvas.

For example given below is the code for drawing circle in paint app.We added an extra line to store details about the circle on mouseup function.Then it is pushed into the list(here list name is  jsondata).

1:  function circle(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=circledown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=circleup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=circlemove;  
5:  function circledown(e){  
6:   img=context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);  
7:   startx=e.x;  
8:   starty=e.y;  
9:   drag3=true;  
10:  }  
11:  function circleup(e){  
12:  jsondata.push({"Type":"circle", "X0":startx,"Y0":starty,"X1":endx,"Y1":endy,"width":context.lineWidth,"color":context.strokeStyle,"fill":f})  
13:  drag3=false;  
14:  }  
15:  function circlemove(e){  
16:  if (drag3){  
17:  context.putImageData(img,0,0);  
18:  endx=e.x;  
19:  endy=e.y;  
20:  context.beginPath();  
21:  context.arc(Math.abs(endx+startx)/2,Math.abs(endy+starty)/2,Math.sqrt(Math.pow(endx-startx,2)+Math.pow(endy-starty,2))/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   
22:  context.closePath();  
23:  context.stroke();  
24:  if (f==1){  
25:  context.fill();  
26:  }  
27:  }}}  

In line number 12 the data is stored as a json variable.

Now the following code redraws the circle when the name is selected.

 if (l[i]["Type"]=='circle'){  
 context.arc(Math.abs(l[i]["X1"]+l[i]["X0"])/2,Math.abs(l[i]["Y1"]+l[i]["Y0"])/2,Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l[i]["X1"]-l[i]["X0"],2)+Math.pow(l[i]["Y1"]-l[i]["Y0"],2))/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   

where l is defined as


That is the json variable is stored as string in database.We take it back and redraw it by parsifying that data.

By using flask the whole paint app became efficient ,interactive and useful.

Following shows the screen shots from my paint app.

when we click the save button a "saved" alert wil pop up.

Then if we check out the gallery we can see the name of pic in there.

If there are more than one picture ,the names will appear as a list.

Then when we click on that this canvas page will appear.

Click on the load button and the image will be retrieved from database.

And thats how the paint app works.

My app is stored in heroku. You test it by clicking this link.

Click here to see the code in github .

Blog app with flask

Blog app with options for posting,viewing post,and commenting option enabled on each post can be efficiently developed using flask.

So what is flask?
The following definition from explains it perfectly.

"Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions."

Here i used postgresql for the database part. psycopg2 module is widely used in python for the postgresql database handling.I used the same in my app.In the app a sign_in part is provided so that posting is allowed only to the admin. Username for my app is 'admin' and password is'1234'.

If we grab a basic knowledge in flask then it will be easy to grasp the code i wrote for this app.The main modules i used are Flask,render_template,request etc.

For a quick reference i will explain the post_store function in my app.

The HTML part is as given below

 <h4>Post your thoughts here</h4>  
 <form method="post" action="{{ url_for('post_store')}}">  
 <div align="center">  
 <p> Title </p>  
 <input type="text" name="name" style="width: 250px"><br>  
 <textarea name="blogpost" cols="45" rows="15">  
 <input type="submit" value="Submit" />  

so here you can see form's action part given as '{{ url_for('post_store')}}'.Which means after submitting the form the action is to connect to the post store function in python.I hope you are already aware on "form" tag in html.

Given below is the post_store function written in python.

 def post_store():  
      c.execute("INSERT INTO blogspot (author,post,day,time) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)",[request.form['name'],request.form['blogpost'],strftime("%d %b %Y ", gmtime()),strftime("%H:%M:%S ", gmtime())])  
      return render_template('post.html')  

The first line @app.route('/post',methods=['POST']) indicates that the following function will work if the url is 'some_main_url'/post and the method is POST.
app is connected to the postgresql using psycopg2 and the data is from the form is stored in it.

If you are a beginner and cannot make a word out of the things above, then you should try this Flask mega tutorial by miguelgrinberg.It helped me a lot.

So in this way i tried to test flask by creating a blog app and honestly i am very much satisfied with the outcome.I felt the differnce after getting tired by using conventional commands in python.django is prior to flask i know.But i never tried it.So from my experience flask made my day.If you are reading this you should give it a try.

And i stored my app in heroku.So you can test it by clicking this link.
For the funky version click here.

To see the code click the links below.There are three versions.

version one is blog app built on virtual environment.
version two is blog app built normally.
version three is the blog app with funky theme.

Paint App

Paint app using javascript in HTML 5 canvas

            HTML 5 provides a canvas element using which we can draw shapes on it,colour it etc.
So this is a simple paint app i created using javascript in canvas which provides tools like pencil,line,rectangle,circle,spray,brush etc.

This is how my app looks like in chrome browser.

Canvas element in html 5 provides the drawing surface.More about canvas can be read from Dive into html 5 book.
The following is an example of canvas declaration.
 <canvas id="canvas" width="650" height="450" style="border:5px solid black; background-color:white;">  

Inside the script we have to initialize two variables.
1:  var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");  
2:  var context=canvas.getContext('2d');  

We have to initialize a variable to access canvas using canvas id and another variable to set the context to 2 dimension as above.

No temporary canvas is used in this app.Instead i used the getImageData() function which captures the canvas as a whole ( ofcourse we have to specify the start and ending points correctly) and used putImageData() to update the canvas with the captured image.

Pencil tool

Pencil tool is implemented by using the basics of line draw in canvas.On a mouse press it will track its movement and on mouse move we will update the x,y coordinates.Also we will draw a small line from previous tracked x,y coordinte to updated x,y coordinate.
Here is the code.
1:  function pencil(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=pencildown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=pencilup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=pencilmove;  
5:  function pencildown(e){  
6:  x=e.x;  
7:  y=e.y;  
8:  draw=true;  
9:  }  
10:  function pencilup(){  
11:  draw=false;  
12:  }  
13:  function pencilmove(event){  
14:  if (draw){  
15:    a =event.x;  
16:    b =event.y;  
17:    context.beginPath();  
18:    context.moveTo(x,y);  
19:    context.lineTo(a,b);  
20:    context.stroke();  
21:    context.closePath();  
22:    x=a;  
23:    y=b;  
24:   }}}  

Line tool

Line tool can be easily implemented.The hard work lies in handling the mouse events.Here on mouse down(or press) we store the starting points to a variable.On mouse move we update the end points of the line using the coordinates from the mouse move  event.
I used the getImageData() on mouse down event.That is, on mouse down event it will take the image of the canvas.And on mouse move it will update the canvas background with that image.
1:  function line(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=linedown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=lineup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=linemove;  
5:  function linedown(e){  
6:   img=context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);  
7:   startx=e.x;  
8:   starty=e.y;  
9:   drag1=true;  
10:  }  
11:  function lineup(e){  
12:   drag1=false;  
13:  }  
14:  function linemove(e){  
15:   if (drag1){  
16:   context.putImageData(img,0,0);  
17:   endx=e.x;  
18:   endy=e.y;  
19:   context.beginPath();  
20:   context.moveTo(startx,starty);  
21:   context.lineTo(endx,endy);  
22:   context.stroke();  
23:   context.closePath();  
24:  }}}  

Rectangle tool

Two types of rectangle are there for canvas.Stroke and Fill.So i provide radio buttons to select the type of rectangle(or Circle) we want.If radio button of Fill is checked value of variable fill become 1 and if Border is checked fill value become zero.
Here is the code
1:  function rectangle(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=rectdown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=rectup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=rectmove;  
5:  function rectdown(e){  
6:   img=context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);  
7:   startx=e.x;  
8:   starty=e.y;  
9:   drag2=true;  
10:  }  
11:  function rectup(e){  
12:  drag2=false;  
13:  }  
14:  function rectmove(e){  
15:  if (drag2){  
16:  context.putImageData(img,0,0);  
17:  rectw=e.x-startx;  
18:  recth=e.y-starty;  
19:  context.strokeRect(startx,starty,rectw,recth);  
20:  if (f==1){  
21:  context.fillRect(startx,starty,rectw,recth);  
22:  }  
23:  }}}  

Here on mouse press it will store the x,y coordinates as starting point of rectangle.On mouse move event it updates the height and width of the rectangle until mouse up event is performed.If the fill variable is "1" it will overwrite strokeRect with fillRect.

Circle tool

There is no direct function in canvas to draw circle like fillRect or strokeRect.But we can draw arc.So we will extend the arc to a circle by giving starting angle as zero and ending angle as square of 3.14(pi value).

 context.arc(centerx,centery,radius, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  

0 notates starting angle and Math.PI*2 notates ending angle.
Here is how the function circle looks like,
1:  function circle(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=circledown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=circleup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=circlemove;  
5:  function circledown(e){  
6:   img=context.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);  
7:   startx=e.x;  
8:   starty=e.y;  
9:   drag3=true;  
10:  }  
11:  function circleup(e){  
12:  drag3=false;  
13:  }  
14:  function circlemove(e){  
15:  if (drag3){  
16:  context.putImageData(img,0,0);  
17:  endx=e.x;  
18:  endy=e.y;  
19:  context.beginPath();  
20:  context.arc((endx+startx)/2,(endy+starty)/2,Math.sqrt(Math.pow(endx-startx,2)+Math.pow(endy-starty,2))/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   
21:  context.closePath();  
22:  context.stroke();  
23:  if (f==1){  
24:  context.fill();  
25:  }  
26:  }}}  

Even though the arc coordinates look complex,its actually the javascript representation for length equation of line when end points are given.


For a eraser tool we use the clearRect function in canvas.ClearRect function clears the pixels in the specified rectangle.

The code above will clear pixels on rectangle that has starting points from 10,10 having a width of 20 and height of 20.
Eraser function is as given below.
1:  function erase(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=erasedown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=eraseup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=erasemove;  
5:  function erasedown(e){  
6:   drag5=true;  
7:  }  
8:  function eraseup(e){  
9:  drag5=false;  
10:  }  
11:  function erasemove(e){  
12:  if(drag5){  
13:  x=e.x;  
14:  y=e.y;  
15:  context.clearRect(x,y,20,20);  
16:  }}}  

On mouse down it will update clearRect  with x,y coordinates recieved from each mouse move event and clears pixels in that area of rectangle.


Spray function is just the mixing of little rectangles and squares near to the coordinates obtained from mouse events.

1:  function spray(){  
2:  canvas.onmousedown=spraydown;  
3:  canvas.onmouseup=sprayup;  
4:  canvas.onmousemove=spraymove;  
5:  function spraydown(e){  
6:  x=e.x;  
7:  y=e.y;  
8:   drag8=true;  
9:  for (var i=0;i<20;i=i+6){  
10:  context.fillRect(x+i,y+i,1.5,1.5);  
11:  context.fillRect(x-i,y-i,1.5,1.5);  
12:  context.fillRect(x-i,y+i,1.5,1.5);  
13:  context.fillRect(x+i,y-i,1.5,1.5);  
14:  context.fillRect(x-i,y,1,1);  
15:  context.fillRect(x,y-i,1,1);  
16:  context.fillRect(x,y+i,1,1);  
17:  context.fillRect(x+i,y,1,1);  
18:  }  
19:  context.beginPath();  
20:  for(var i=0;i<12;i=i+4){  
21:  context.arc(x+i,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   
22:  context.arc(x-i,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
23:  context.arc(x+i,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
24:  context.arc(x-i,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   
25:  context.arc(x,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
26:  context.arc(x-i,y,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
27:  context.arc(x,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
28:  context.arc(x+i,y,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
29:  }   
30:  context.closePath();  
31:  context.fill();  
32:  }  
33:  function sprayup(e){  
34:  drag8=false;  
35:  }  
36:  function spraymove(e){  
37:  if (drag8){  
38:  x=e.x;  
39:  y=e.y;  
40:  for (var i=0;i<20;i=i+6){  
41:  context.fillRect(x+i,y+i,1,1);  
42:  context.fillRect(x-i,y-i,1,1);  
43:  context.fillRect(x+i,y-i,1,1);  
44:  context.fillRect(x-i,y+i,1,1);  
45:  context.fillRect(x-i,y,1,1);  
46:  context.fillRect(x,y-i,1,1);  
47:  context.fillRect(x,y+i,1,1);  
48:  context.fillRect(x+i,y,1,1);  
49:  }  
50:  context.beginPath();  
51:  for(var i=0;i<12;i=i+4){  
52:  context.arc(x+i,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);   
53:  context.arc(x-i,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
54:  context.arc(x+i,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
55:  context.arc(x-i,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);    
56:  context.arc(x,y-i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
57:  context.arc(x-i,y,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
58:  context.arc(x,y+i,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
59:  context.arc(x+i,y,1.3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);  
60:  }  
61:  context.closePath();  
62:  context.fill();  
63:  }}  
64:  }  

Here we can see that i created small rectangle and squares around the coordinate obtained from mouse event so that it will give spray effect.

The Brush tool is easy to implement.It can be implemented in many different ways.I used 3 small circles in a line manner at the coordinates obtained from mouse events.

Below given is an image drawn using the Paint App..

See full code from my GitHub...